Welcome to my colorful chaos

(i'm arastasia & to somewhat summarize very colorful personality...)

I'm a passionate entrepreneur that fully embraces creativity in both my personal and professional life.

At the age of 22, I launched my first venture, Arastasia Photography, which has since evolved into a multi-faceted career.

These days, you'll see me live-painting weddings, murals, & whatever sparks my imagination, even outside of "work." I'm passionate about healing through art, and encouraging others to pursue their dreams via my podcast, "Your Artsy Friend."

Click the photos to learn about some recent paintings i've created and a little bit of their backstory

recent artwork

Typically, i love to take a cute polaroid photo with my boyfriend and the kitties for holidays. This year, we forgot to! So instead i did a quick little doodle of us together as a way to have a tangible memory and some much-needed time with creativity. 

a family portrait doodle

I created this painting with hopes that I could submit it one of our local art festivals. I was definitely over thinking on "if it would sell" and in return that was absolutely blocking a lot of my creativity. I finally sat down, and told myself to just have fun with it.. regardless of if it sells. and guess what? It sold! YAY!

lost in creativity

This is one of my most recent murals that I was honored enough to create for a local elementary school. The goal was to portray the magical feelings that reading can bring children and to convey that with my art. You can read more about this mural here :)

a magical library mural

This creation was totally unexpected, but I really love it! I created this during a time that I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with life.. and i knew I just needed to sit down and do something creative for myself "for no reason." I ultimately ended up with this self-portrait, and maybe a bit of much-needed self love. :)

a creative self portrait

I always pack my paint markers for road trips or airplane rides because, let's be honest... I really hate sitting still. I'm a creative with ADHD (lol) This little mini-painting was created on a road trip for a wedding in PA and was actually the first time I got to meet my boyfriend's extended family! 

road trip doodles

i've made it my mission to inspire others to embrace creative joys and heal through art.

maxwell & mimosa

we have two very fuzzy kitties that we spoil. I got Mimosa during the Covid Quarantine days, and met Maxwell once my fiance and I started dating

a look inside my colorful heart

my favorite painting

this elephant isn't my favorite painting for its aesthetics BUT holds a special place in my heart for a different reason.  This painting is the piece that actually got me back into painting. It was created during a challenging time and I hold onto it dearly. (in fact, i refuse to sell it solely for sentimental reasons lol)

my biggest supporter

Mikey is my fiance (whaaat! still getting used to that!) & he is hands down my biggest fan and supporter in life. fun fact - he purchased my artwork long before we were dating and still has the business thank you card i included in his shipped order

there's no such thing as perfect art and perfectionism often hinders our creativity

therapy has drastically changed my life and discovering it was the best thing that could've happened for me and my journey

everybody deserves to be creative and creativity can look different for everyone

I believe:

If you were to meet me in person or stumble upon me online, you might be surprised to learn that I haven't always been the enthusiastic and optimistic artist you see today. In fact, before I uncovered my love for photography and painting, I was on the verge of dropping out of high school, struggling with low self-esteem deep rooted in childhood trauma, and losing hope for a fulfilling future. However, once I discovered my creative passions, the seemingly impossible became attainable, and happiness was within reach.